
Sun Tea

For Wednesday we have Author Lora Brody on the program as she discusses Sun Tea. Yes it's that time of year to cool off!! So listen and enjoy.

Tune in below and listen  to Lora Broday tell us how to perfect Sun Tea.

Having trouble? Click here to listen to the interview.


  • 4-6 tea bags


Put 4 to 6 tea bags into a clean 2 quart glass container. Fill with water and cap. Place outside where the sunlight can strike the container for about 3 to 5 hours. Move the container if necessary to keep it in the sun. When the tea has reached its desired strength, remove from sun and put it in the refrigerator. You may or may not want to remove the tea bags at this point. I usually don't.
The tea will probably taste more mellow than what you are used to from using boiling water. The slow seeping has a way of bringing out a slightly different flavor from the tea. Also, because you didn't use boiling water, you should refrigerate the tea and drink it up pretty quickly - a day or two. It will not keep as well as iced tea made from boiling water.
I usually make sun tea with various forms of herbal tea. Sometimes you can put in a few sprigs of fresh mint as well.